Together for a sustainable


The good products

Check our product selection of the best Portuguese products and request a quotation.

From soil to store

We seek to find the most sustainable solutions for each case, always designed for you. From the idea to the project, from the production to sales.

Explore our sectors of action:

Fruits and Vegetables

We link agricultural producers to retailers and stores of suppliers, looking for the best solutions for each situation. We prefer to place those products in the region, but also in supermarkets, stores and restaurants all around the country likely as in Europe.

Processed Food

We link agroindustry producers to retailers and stores of suppliers, looking for the best solutions for each situation. We prefer to place those products in the region, but also in supermarkets, stores and restaurants all around the country likely as in Europe.

Transport and Logistics

When ordering with us you can combine products from several suppliers (fresh and processed products) and by simplifying, we can achieve faster deliveries and better prices. This ‘unique order’ allows us to optimize the logistic and transportation process, reducing the time of delivery and costs for suppliers and buyers, as well as optimizing space on the trucks.

Lands and Properties

We work with the best partners to find you the most appropriate land in each zone, for purchase or lease to begin or expand your agricultural activity.

Machinery, Equipment and Infrastructures

At Planafarm, we work with several service providers who prepare the land and perform all cultural operations or rent machinery and other equipment so that the producer can do it himself. Our platform also includes companies that can build the necessary infrastructure for your agricultural or agro-industrial activity.

Consulting and training

Our partners are consultants who work in agriculture, specialized in various areas and who help agricultural entrepreneurs everyday to create new projects or develop existing ones, to apply for financing, environmental management projects, agrotourism, among others.

What makes an orange a good orange?​


A good orange it’s one that is grown with all the care that it deserves. It’s an orange, that in addition of being sweet and juicy also comes from healthy trees that are going to produce for many years. The people that grow these oranges care about the impact they have in nature and in those who eat these oranges. These people are also treated fairly, because happy people make happier oranges. A good orange arrives to you after a happy life, in good company and without hurting the world we live in.

This is a good orange. And these are the oranges that we want you to know. And who says oranges says, tomatoes, figs, almonds, honey, cheese

Oranges on an orange tree
Jams, Jellies and Honey

A great selection of the best Portuguese products just for you

These are products from suppliers that Planafarm team knows and knows how they are produced. Producers who care about leaving the smallest impact on the land and in the products, and consequently in the consumers. Producers that are part of our community of cooperation and sharing.

Come and meet them!

Sign up for a free call

Fill in your details and get a free consultation with one of our team members.

How do we do it

Productive Relationships

Planafarm visits the best producers and creates close relationships of trust from the smallest to the big sustainable ones. That’s why we know who’s the best supplier for your store or restaurant.


Good Products

We add new products and partners every day to our database for your convenience. We want our partners products to reach more and more stores and consumers.


Circular Economy

We facilitate the business in order to find the most fair and efficient process for both sides. We work for a real circular economy, where everyone receives their part in a fair way.


Sustainability First

We suggest the most sustainable products by seasonality, location, recipient, etc.


Smart Logistics

We work with various logistics and transportation partners to try to occupy the ’empty spaces’ in vans and trucks, optimizing routes and deliveries to monetize time and costs.


Contact Us

MARL, Av. de Santa Maria – B05 701
2660-421 São Julião do Tojal – Loures, Portugal


Tv. do Paço 1 
8600-752 Lagos, Portugal